Ghost Recon Breakpoint | Third-person Action Open-world game

In the South Pacific lies the Auroa Archipelago, a vast area with different landscapes. It has everything from dense rainforests to snowy mountains. This area is now under the control of Skell Technology, a leading tech company.

Skell was interested in Auroa as a place to test its drones, but now it’s much more than that. It has become a high-tech paradise with eco-cities and advanced robot studies.

Ghost recon Breakpoint | Third-person Action Open world game

“A peaceful coastal village on the edge of a lush jungle, overlooking the crystal clear waters of Auroa Archipelago.”


Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a game full of excitement. You become a Ghost Recon soldier exploring the Auroa Archipelago. This game mixes tactical shooter styles, challenges of an open-world game, and playing with friends in cooperative multiplayer. Whether you’re new or a fan of the series, it’s designed to pull you in.

Auroa Archipelago: Ubisoft’s Enigmatic Testing Grounds

Hidden in the South Pacific, you’ll find the Auroa Archipelago. It’s a big place with many different kinds of environments. These range from thick rainforests to high, icy mountains. The Auroa setting is made up by Ubisoft. It has all sorts of areas like snowy mountains, grasslands, and even salt marshes.

Lush Rainforests and Snowy Peaks

Skell Technology, from Silicon Valley, uses Auroa as their big test site. Visitors will see old ruins, Cold War spots, and places where islanders live. It’s a mix of history and new technology.

Skell Technology’s High-tech Utopia

Skell chose Auroa for its drone testing at first. But then, they changed it into “World 2.0.” They built eco-cities and did a lot of robot research there. Now, Auroa has all the newest tech and fancy houses. But it’s not a friendly place. There are security threats, soldiers, and drones watching everywhere.

Ubisoft made sure to show all the different parts of the Auroa Archipelago well. This makes the game, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, feel very real and interesting. The game is really tough, with no easy time to relax, and it’s very close to real life. This makes it fun for players who like thinking and survival games.

Third-Person Tactical Shooter: Immersive or Awkward?

The Ghost Recon series was once praised for its deep, third-person tactical shooter style. But, when it tried to embrace an open-world scene in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, it split opinions. Its average critic score landed at 5.9/10. Scores varied widely, from 2.5/5 to 8.3/10, reflecting intense debates among fans and critics.

Many players highlight a key issue with the third-person view. They argue it makes immersing into the vast open world difficult. The game often obstructs the player’s view with its character model. This makes it hard to explore the Auroa Archipelago’s varied landscapes.

These areas include mountains, valleys, swamps, and tundra. Additional concerns include a sense of incompleteness, repetitive tasks, and the heavy reliance on looting. For these critics, a shift to first-person might have significantly improved the experience.

But, the discontent isn’t universal. The game’s cooperative mode for up to four players, the rich sound of its firearms, and the joy of playing with friends have all been acclaimed. Reviewers have also praised the game’s stealth aspects. They especially like how slow the enemies are to detect you, which allows for more crafted strategies.

Overall, the choice of a third-person perspective in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint sparks mixed feelings. While some find it draws them in, others think it takes away from the game’s allure. Critics also point out the game’s lack of fresh ideas and its heavy reliance on gear. Still, some hold hope. They believe in the foundation laid and suggest it could see an upturn with upcoming updates and patches.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint Game Review: An In-Depth Look

Story and Setting

In the Auroa Archipelago, players delve into a world of lush rainforests and snowy peaks. They also see high-tech eco-cities shine. The plot follows elite Ghosts fighting their old ally, Colonel Walker, touching on themes like surveillance and artificial intelligence, crafted by the mysterious Skell Technology.

Gameplay Mechanics

The game brings a ton of ways to level up. You get XP for your character, Gear Score for better equipment, and faction reputation for cool stuff. Crafting, skill points, and sought-after collectibles are also part of the mix. Players feel fulfilled as they rack up rewards, always progressing in Auroa.

Its strategic stealth elements are diverse and liked by players. Features like thermal vision and silent takedowns make fights interesting. They add depth to how gamers tackle missions. The game’s stealth options stand out.

But, the game might feel repetitive after a while due to similar missions. Some may not like the gear score system that seems more about checking off boxes than meaningful gear. And, the lack of deep survival elements might disappoint a few.

Graphics and Performance

The game boasts incredibly detailed scenery, from dense swamps to snowy cliffs. Its attention to detail and vivid visuals draw players in. But, on older machines, performance issues like unstable frame rates and glitches could be a problem.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a rich tactical shooter with a gripping story and a world full of options. While keeping players engaged might be a challenge, its early moments promise an adventure not to be missed by fans of Tom Clancy’s universe and the Ghost Recon series.

Customize Your Ghost: Gear, Skills, and Classes

In Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, customizing your Ghost is key. You get to pick from thousands of gear combos, improve weapons, and choose a class. This means you can make your Ghost look and play just how you like.

Thousands of Gear Combinations

There are so many ways to make your Ghost unique in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. You can change every detail of their look. This includes picking from a ton of gear, clothes, and accessories. It lets you show off your personal style in the game’s world, Auroa.

Upgradable Weapons

Along with gear, you can also level up your weapons in Breakpoint. Adding new parts makes your guns better. This means you can have weapons that fit how you like to fight. So, whether it’s up close with assault rifles or from afar with sniper rifles, you’re covered.

Stealth, Range, or Assault Classes

There’s a new class system in Breakpoint too. You can pick from stealth, range, or assault classes. Each one has its skills and benefits. With these and the game’s deep leveling up, your Ghost can be a master in any situation on Auroa.

Co-op Multiplayer: Intense and Tactical

In the Auroa Archipelago, the Ghost Recon Breakpoint shines in co-op. It offers Ghost War, a 4 vs. 4 PvP mode. This lets players test their tactical skills together. Plus, progression in PvP mode carries over to single-player.

Ghost War includes sabotage and elimination game types. The latter is a team deathmatch, where one life is all you get. To keep matches moving, the map size decreases in time. This fights against players camping in one place.

Aside from PvP, the game has a bunch of co-op chances in single-player. Players can join forces to complete missions across the varied map. This includes marking targets and using tactical combat, quietly or head-first.

The game features cool stealth tools like thermal and night vision and drones. But it also has satisfying brutal melee kills and synchronized shots. So, teamwork is everything. By choosing classes like Panther, Assault, or Sharpshooter, players can excel. The key is to work together and use your strengths to win.

Create an image of two players in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, working together in a tactical and intense multiplayer co-op mission. They are facing off against a group of enemies in an open-world setting, with the players taking cover behind obstacles and strategizing their next move.
The atmosphere should be tense and action-packed, with gunfire and explosions in the background. Show the players working seamlessly together, each using their unique abilities and strengths to take down the enemies.


Multiplayer Game Modes Description
Ghost War 4 vs. 4 PvP mode where progression carries over to the single-player campaign
Sabotage Objective-based game type in the PvP mode
Elimination Team deathmatch where each player has one life

Jon Bernthal: Bringing Authenticity to Ghost Recon

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint stars Jon Bernthal as Lieutenant Colonel Cole D. Walker. Walker is a frightening figure among the special forces in the game. This marks Bernthal’s lead role in a video game, highlighting his commitment to acting authentically.

Bernthal worked closely with special forces advisors throughout filming. He aimed for perfect takes in each scene, pointing out the unique challenges of working on this game. He notes that Ghost Recon demanded a higher level of preparation and strict adherence to the shooting schedule than his previous experiences in TV or movies.

He respects the enthusiasm of video game fans, comparing them to fans of comics. Emil Daubon, the main writer, has deep military knowledge. He spent many years in the US Army Special Forces to ensure the game feels real and offers a true tactical experience.

Jon Bernthal’s role also brings a new cinematic storytelling approach to the game. His ability to add depth and conflict to Walker’s character was key to his selection. The game’s development involved experts from elite military units, focusing on details to make the experience authentic.

Over 1,000 developers from different studios worked on this game’s story. Their effort is clear in the game’s depth and realism. Players can feel the game’s authenticity, thanks to the hard work and skill of the entire team.

Open World Survival: Thrilling or Tedious?

In Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, you explore the Auroa Archipelago. It’s a big, beautiful place for your elite Ghosts squad to survive in. You face survival challenges like getting hurt and feeling tired. These make the game harder and more real. To stay alive, you need to craft stuff at bivouacs and move carefully over the rough land.

Yet, lots of people argue about these survival parts. Some love the thrill and constant action. Others say it’s boring, doing the same thing over and over. They think the main story is too simple. And the enemies you fight don’t act very smart, which some find a letdown.

The game’s creators aimed high with Breakpoint but reviews are mixed. Critics rated it at 5.67 out of 10 on average. Many bad reviews talk about bugs and dull people in the game. They also say the extra missions are a drag and the story needs more. Despite this, some might like its long playtime, up to 100 hours. Plus, working together with others and changing your gear could be fun.

Deciding whether Breakpoint is fun or annoying is up to you. If you like playing with friends and changing your gear, you might enjoy it even with the mixed reviews.

A lone player was navigating treacherous terrain, scavenging for supplies and weapons while avoiding dangerous wildlife and enemy factions. The vast open world is both beautiful and unforgiving, with dynamic weather patterns and unpredictable events that keep the player on their toes. The player must balance survival instincts with strategic planning to stay alive in this harsh environment.


Stealth Gameplay: The Ghost Recon Way

In Ghost Recon Breakpoint, the core is all about being sneaky. This game is known for its smart stealth play. It lets you choose how you want to do missions. You can be super quiet or charge in.

Distraction and Evasion Tactics

Breaking into places quietly is key in Breakpoint. You’ll have a lot of gear to help you. Some of the tools are night vision, marking targets, and using quiet weapons.

Throwing objects or setting off alarms can help too. They get enemies to look the other way so that you can sneak up on them.

Silent Takedowns and Infiltration

In Breakpoint, if you want to be unseen, there are many ways to do it. You can take out bad guys without them knowing. Hit them up close, shoot together with friends, or find good hiding spots.

Each mission lets you get creative. Thanks to the big, interactive world, you’ll find cool ways to get it done.

Ubisoft’s Vision: Revolutionizing the Tactical Shooter Genre

In October 2019, Ubisoft launched Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, showing its passion for the tactical shooter genre. This game is part of the Ghost Recon series, born in 2001 when Ubisoft gained Red Storm Entertainment, the original team behind Rainbow Six. The series stands out for its thoughtful combat and cutting-edge technology.

The Ghost Recon series has changed over the years. In 2017, Ghost Recon: Wildlands broke new ground by adopting an open-world approach, inspired by games like Call of Duty. This shift paved the way for Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. This latest entry mixes extensive exploration, personal character development, and exciting co-op play to offer a fresh gaming experience.

At Ubisoft Paris, developers worked hard on Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. The storyline introduces Cole D. Walker, played by well-known actor Jon Bernthal. Walker leads the Wolves, a powerful group that takes over the Auroa Archipelago. In this game, players also face high-tech drones from Skell Technology.

These drones from a tech giant bring extra layers of strategy and excitement to Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. Ubisoft aims to make this game the ultimate tactical experience. It offers deep customization, multiplayer action, and a compelling story within a vast, varied world.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint officially system requirements

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Chaminda Gunasekara as represent as Gamedotro Author. He is a Graduate Bachelor of I.C.T. and a graduate in software and tech. Also, video game playing and finding new things is his biggest hobby.